Thursday, July 30, 2009

"What A Wonderful World"

In this case, maybe not. I just finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Wow. The book takes place in 632 A.F. (after Ford).It is about a Utopian society where everything is controlled by science. People don't have families, they are born in labs, they are conditioned to always be happy through the use of hypnosis and a drug called soma, they aren't allowed to get attached to people or have just one mate, they don't grow old or overweight, they are on constant watch, and each person is conditioned differently for their role in society. It explores what life would be like if everyone was always happy, yet it is a mindless satisfaction. The character of "the savage" and Bernard Marx, help stir up the society because they do not fit the mold of what they are conditioned to be. This brings up the authors point of; can there be true happiness without thinking for yourself? Or feeling pain? Or mourning death? Is always being in a stable mood of content really the best life?

What makes this book even more amazing is the fact that it was written in 1931. Aldous Huxley was way ahead of his time with his novel, which is most likely why it was band or given horrible reviews at that time. But now the book is always toward the top of a "best fiction novels" lists. The book is really thought provoking, and a pretty quick read. I really enjoyed the whole concept.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Swear To Shake It Up If You Swear To Listen"

Life lately has been really fun, and I love every second of it...but I want to amp it up even more. There are so many things I want to do, this winter I am determined to learn how to ski, but that is not my point. I wish I could go to Texas this summer, but funds right now will not allow that trip. Hopefully New Years in Mexico and birthday in NYC will still be taking place...
I really just want to go on an adventure. I don't care with who or what we do. I want to go to LA and just find fun stuff to do in the city. I want to go on a road trip. Where? Don't know, don't care. I really just want to explore and have more fun and just live. I also really want to go to San Diego and San Francisco.

The downside.
All of my friends have jobs or have to save money, I have one too and I am definitely saving money as well, but since I work at a school and there is no school in summer, I can't really carry out any plans that last longer than a day since no one can take off that much work.
I really want someone to come into my life and shake up my world. That would just be flippin awesome.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"If I Were A Rich Man"

A few days ago I saw Fiddler On The Roof at the Pantages in LA. I was lucky enough to have a seat in the 5th row. The show starred Chaim Topol as Tevye. He has played the character on and off for 35 years, this is his farewell tour. He is around 72 now, but he moved around that stage and danced like he was 20. His acting and singing were spot on, and his performance was powerful and he was absolutely hilarious. There were so many minuet details to his performance, it is really something everyone should see. The entire cast was amazing, it was a very strong supporting cast and ensemble. The show as a whole is timeless. The theme of trying to keep tradition in a changing world is still current today. When Tevye doesn't accept Chava's marriage because she marries outside of the faith, is a lot like parents today who do not accept their child who may be gay and wants to get married. As times change, tradition may falter, but life is about changing and adapting to the world, but at the same time people should never forget where they came from and what they believe in. Go see Fiddler On The Roof while it is still out here if you can. Even if it means you have last row tickets and rent binoculars, it is unforgettable.

^^Topol as Tevye in the 1971 movie adaptation of Fiddler On The Roof

Monday, July 20, 2009

"It's Just Text Book Stuff, It's In The ABC's Of Growing Up"

I am done with boys. The next time I date someone he is going to be a man. I am so sick of dealing with guys who don't know what they want to do with their lives, who need their mom to do everything for them, or who can't even make themselves food when they are hungry. I want an assertive man who goes after what he wants. Someone who can make me feel secure, instead of me having to do every little thing for him. I am very supportive and loving, this time I want it in return. I'm done with wasting my time with these little boys. I want someone who is not afraid to ask me out, who is secure in himself. If you like me, say so, don't play games. Life is too short for stupid games. Maybe this is asking too much...I just want someone who knows more than what is going on in their town. I need someone who has some knowledge of the world around him, or at least someone who is willing to explore and find out what is out there. A man who can take a chance and live!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Riding Along In My Automobile"

Yesterday I bought my brand new SMART CAR!!!
Those of you who are wondering..."Why is it Smart?"
I will tell you!
It was designed by the Swatch Watch company as an art piece. They sold their designs to Mercedes. So SMART means, Swacth Mercedes ART.
The car dealership was really small, everyone who worked there was really nice. Todd, the man who was selling the car to me, was really cool. He taught me everything I need to know about the car. I am currently driving it in automatic, but I am going to learn how to drive it in manual (it does both). Manual will be a bit smoother. Plus I like it because the gear shifters are on the steering wheel, so you don't grind on the gears and your car doesn't stall. But I'm going to have to have my brother in law tell me what each gear is for.

The car is beautiful. It has black leather heated seats, a clear roof (well it is slightly tinted), upgraded sound system, heated side mirrors, the trunk actually has a good amount of storage, and the thing I like most is that it sits really high up so I have the same view that I had in my CRV. I was nervous because I didn't want tofeel small, but I was between 2 semi trucks and I didn't feel intimidated at all. The car is pretty big on the inside. I am totally in love with this car, it is the best thing I have ever bought! But I will forever miss my little CRV

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"If You Believe You Must Be Big In Order To Be Tough..."

"...Then you should get to know me, I'll teach you other stuff!"

Tomorrow I am getting my Smart Car!!!
I have yet to decide a color. I am torn between white and red.

I have always wanted the white one, but I have started to really like the red. I guess I will just decide when I get there. I can not wait to turn in my CRV and drive home with my little baby car! Now that I look at the pictures, I like the white so much more. I will see in person tomorrow. I am beyond excited. I have been waiting a year for this freaking car! I am just not looking foward to paying for this sucker every month. It is a big chunk out of my paycheck. But I don't car, well worth it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Can I Run To You? Are You True To Me?"

I have just finished reading The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne...oh my word. I LOVED IT! First off, I am a huge lover of classic novels. The language, the rich story lines...I can't help myself! I was first reading Revolutionary Road...I've been stuck at page 100 for weeks, I find it very dull, so instead of just trying to get through that I took a break and picked up The Scarlet Letter. I bought the book last summer but I never actually took the time to read it. I am so glad I have. Here is the book description (amazon puts it into better words than I do, plus I'll probably give the wrong information away if I try).

The Scarlet Letter is a dark tale of love, crime, and revenge set in colonial New England. It revolves around a single, forbidden act of passion that forever alters the lives of three members of a small Puritan community: Hester Prynne, an ardent and fierce woman who bears the punishment of her sin in humble silence; the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, a respected public figure who is inwardly tormented by long-hidden guilt; and the malevolent Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s husband—a man who seethes with an Ahab-like lust for vengeance.

The book was really short, only 175 pages, I read it in 2 days. The book is full of symbolism, themes that are still valid today, strong distinct characters, and well...I thought it was just plain beautiful. Dealing with Good vs. evil, secret love, the burden of hiding your sins, dealing with having your sins on display, and dealing with a strict Puritan society made this a very intriguing novel. Once you delve deeper into the meaning of the book, and really truly think about it, this book was extremely well written, and there is just so much more going on than what meets the eye. I can see why it is one of the most famous American classics.