Saturday, July 25, 2009

"If I Were A Rich Man"

A few days ago I saw Fiddler On The Roof at the Pantages in LA. I was lucky enough to have a seat in the 5th row. The show starred Chaim Topol as Tevye. He has played the character on and off for 35 years, this is his farewell tour. He is around 72 now, but he moved around that stage and danced like he was 20. His acting and singing were spot on, and his performance was powerful and he was absolutely hilarious. There were so many minuet details to his performance, it is really something everyone should see. The entire cast was amazing, it was a very strong supporting cast and ensemble. The show as a whole is timeless. The theme of trying to keep tradition in a changing world is still current today. When Tevye doesn't accept Chava's marriage because she marries outside of the faith, is a lot like parents today who do not accept their child who may be gay and wants to get married. As times change, tradition may falter, but life is about changing and adapting to the world, but at the same time people should never forget where they came from and what they believe in. Go see Fiddler On The Roof while it is still out here if you can. Even if it means you have last row tickets and rent binoculars, it is unforgettable.

^^Topol as Tevye in the 1971 movie adaptation of Fiddler On The Roof

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