Friday, September 11, 2009

"I Walked With You Once Upon A Dream"

I think I have discovered my problem. Movies and TV have shown me they type of man I have always wanted, yet I am not sure if they exist. I have three perfect examples of the man I find perfect for me.

Jim from The Office.

Charming, funny, adorable, caring, romantic.

Tom from 500 Days Of Summer.

Romantic, well dressed, sensitive, cute, artistic.

Will from Glee

Hardworking, loving, well dressed, musically inclined, intelligent, bilingual, teacher.

The thing I think all three of these characters have in common is that they are all charming, well dressed (loving sweaters and ties), romantic and funny individuals. I have yet to meet any guy that is all of these things. I have met a guy who is charming, but turns out to be completely fake. Occasionally I will meet a well dressed man, but then he is narcissistic. And a guy who is romantic in the most annoying and clingy way possible. Or a guy who is funny, but does know when to be serious. So I am guessing that it is going to be difficult to find a good looking/nice/funny/intelligent/talented/romantic/caring man all wrapped up in a sweater, outside of a script, so I should probably just stop being so picky.


  1. they're out there, don't lose hope my love! :) I'm sure once you start to meet more people outside of your normal realm, you'll find a sexy, sensitive, non-clingy man who will sweet you right off your feet. you deserve no less.

  2. If he's not well dressed when you meet him, he can be in the future ;)

    I really hate it when women try to change men when it comes to their personalities, beliefs, hobbies, etc. I don't believe men were put on this planet for women to change them. But there are two exceptions: health (as in developing good eating habits and exercising - if we love them we want them to be around for a long time, right?) and the way they dress. I know Matt hasn't changed his uniform of tshirt/shorts/cap all that much but at least now he's wearing the right size! When I met him, his shorts were three sizes too big and he was wearing XXL shirts (he wears medium!). And he does have a couple of 'cool' outfits that I picked up that he sometimes wears when the occasion calls for it....

    Anyway, what I'm really saying is that as long as you find a real gem, you can do the polishing yourself ;)

  3. Sandy you are too cute.
    There are no gems worth polishing, not now anyway. I just want him to come pre-packaged in a sweater.
