Friday, August 7, 2009

"What The Hell Am I Doing Here? I Don't Belong Here"

That is pretty much what goes through the minds of Frank and April Wheeler throughout this entire story. I have finally finished reading Revolutionary Road. It took me forever because I didn't like the book at all. I couldn't get past the constant complaining and arguing. "our lives are horrible" "I'm not living the life I thought I would" "I don't love you" "I don't want kids" "Our house and neighbors suck" blah blah blah. I'm going to rent the movie to see if I like that better. I'm really bummed I didn't like it because it made the 400+page book difficult to get through. All they do is think certain events or places will make them happy, and I just feel a person should be happy with the life they lead because wanting what you can't have isn't going to make you happy. It is good to strive for something better and have goals, but never being happy with what you have is not going to get you anywhere, and I just found the book boring. And it was a sad end to a depressing book.
I normally keep all of my books, but if anyone wants this one, I will gladly give it to you.
On the plus side, I have finished 5 books this year. My goal is 6....not a large number but last year I didn't read at all and the year before that all I read was the new Harry Potter book. I figure it is about time I start reading more and watching TV less. One more book to reach my goal!

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