Sunday, August 30, 2009

"As Good As It Has Been, I Wouldn't Change A Thing But I'd Also Never Go Back Again "

If you have not seen (500)Days Of Summer, please do yourself a favor and see it. It truly was a delight. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt....perfection. Honestly, everything about his character is everything I want in a man.
Adorable, funny, charming, smart, well dressed, and a person who wants love. Pretty much the type of man I would like to be with.
For now, I would just like someone to go to the movies with or just go out and have fun, nothing serious.
Although, I guess you never know if you will get serious with a person. The unplanned things always turn out better. You never do know who you will fall in love with.
I wonder, is there such a thing as soul mates? Are certain people meant to be together? Who knows, but I believe that in order to find that right person, a lot of mistakes are required. Not many people just fall in love once and never have their heartbroken.

And as someone who has had their heart shattered, I am glad it has happened for a number of reasons.
1. In the back of my mind I always knew it wouldn't last forever.
2. We were in different stages of our life and I've grown so much.
3. I experienced completely letting go and allowing myself to love someone for the first time.
4. Through that horrible heartache, I have discovered what a strong person I am and that my friends are truly amazing. It showed me how many people are there for me when I need them.
5. I now know how scary it is to be in love for fear of losing it. And when I lost it, it was hard, but now I know I can get through it. So when I fall again, I won't be afraid to lose it because I know I will always have my friends to get me through and there will always be another man.

Failed relationships also help, because sometimes they don't end in heartbreak, they just don't work. And you learn the things you like in a person and the things you don't. An ex boyfriend once told me "I only want to date someone I am going to marry." I didn't understand this because, we are young and don't need to think that far ahead, and we were happy, or so I thought. But I think people date and make mistakes because that way when that right person comes along, less mistakes are made.
What if you screw up because you don't have those past experiences to reference and you end up losing someone amazing? Now that would be heartbreaking.

In the end, time really does heal, it may take a few days, weeks, months or years, but eventually you get through and find someone better. And if you don't, you can always find something in yourself, or something comforting in your friends that can make you feel like your past breakup really isn't the end of the world. Stay positive, you never know who you will meet. <3

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